Get Mining Candidate(GMC)
GMC 是一种为挖矿改进的 API,确保矿工在MVC网络中可以通过挖掘大区块来扩展,而不会因为区块大小的增长而受到 RPC 接口的限制。GMC
基于 Andrew Stone 和 Johan van der Hoeven 的工作,通过优化getblocktemplate
新增的 RPC 方法有 getminingcandidate
和 submitminingsolution
。它们是传统的 getblocktemplate
和 submitblock
的平替接口。这些 RPC 调用不会将整个区块传递给矿池(在通过 RPC
coinbase 交易和 coinbase 默克尔证明。这基本上与通过 Stratum
矿池使用 getminingcandidate
接收前述的区块信息和一个跟踪标识符 (ID)。在找到一个新块后 30 秒内,MVC节点会默认清除未完成的
ID。矿工可以创建(或修改)新的coinbase 交易和区块头字段,以创建不同的候选项供哈希硬件使用。然后,通过 Stratum
将这些候选项转发给哈希硬件。当找到一个区块解(挖出新区块)时,矿池可以通过 submitminingsolution
使用 RPC getminingcandidate
和 RPC submitminingsolution
- 大大减少带宽和延迟,特别是对于大区块。这种 RPC 需要 log2(区块大小) 的数据,这是由于默克尔分支的大小决定的。
- 更快的 JSON 解析和创建。
- 简洁的 JSON。
详细的rpc接口以及参数说明可以参考mining command。
RPC getminingcandidate
Arguments: - [bool] provide_coinbase_tx (Optional - default is false)
Variable | Description |
[uuid] id | The assigned id from mvcd. This must be provided with submitting a potential solution |
[hex string] prevHash | Big Endian hash of the previous block |
[hex string] Coinbase (optional) | Suggested coinbase transaction is provided. Miner is free to supply their own or alter the supplied one. Altering will require parsing and splitting the coinbase in order to splice in/out data as required. Requires Wallet to be enabled. Only returned when provide_coinbase_tx argument is set to true. Returns error if Wallet is not enabled |
[int32_t] version | The block version |
[int64_t] coinbaseValue | Total funds available for the coinbase tx (in Satoshis) |
[uint32_t] nBits | Compressed hexadecimal difficulty |
[uint32_t] time | Current block time |
[int] height | The candidate block height |
[array] merkleProof | Merkle branch/path for the block, used to calculate the Merkle Root of the block candidate. This is a list of Little-Endian hex strings ordered from top to bottom |
"id": "a5f1f38b-2a00-4913-833a-bbcbb39d5d2c",
"prevhash": "0000000020493e205694c9fcb42f7d4ce5d85e230d52fccc90a6354e13940396",
"coinbase": "02000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0503878b1300ffffffff01c5a4a80400000000232103b8310da7c413106c6ce63814dbcd366c55e8ae39c8c43c1fdaeb76df56e4ff7dac00000000",
"version": 536870912,
"nBits": "1c4877e8",
"time": 1548132190,
"height": 1280903,
"merkleProof": [
RPC submitminingsolution
Arguments: A JSON String containing the below fields.
Variable | Description |
[uuid] id | The id supplied by getminingcandidate |
[uint32_t] nonce | Miner generated nonce |
[hex string] coinbase | The crafted or modified coinbase transaction (Optional) |
[uint32_t] time | Block time (Optional - must fall within the mintime/maxtime consensus rules ) |
[uint32_t] version | Block version (Optional) |
"id": a5f1f38b-2a00-4913-833a-bbcbb39d5d2c,
"nonce": 1804358173,
"coinbase": "...00ffffffff10028122000b2fc7237b322f414431322ffff...",
"time": 1528925410,
"version": 536870912
Success: returns true
Failure: JSONRPCException or error reason comprising of but not limited to the following.
Error | Description |
Block candidate ID not found | Required ID was not found, ID is supplied by the corresponding getminingcandidate call |
nonce not found | The nonce was not supplied or not recognized |
coinbase decode failed | The supplied coinbase was unable to be parsed |
Other possible errors can result from the SubmitBlock (BIP22) method in which submitminingsolution ultimately calls upon.