
Get Mining Candidate(GMC)



GMC 是一种为挖矿改进的 API,确保矿工在MVC网络中可以通过挖掘大区块来扩展,而不会因为区块大小的增长而受到 RPC 接口的限制。GMC 基于 Andrew Stone 和 Johan van der Hoeven 的工作,通过优化getblocktemplate接口,将其中的交易列表移除,只提供当前在内存池/区块候选中所有交易的Merkle Proof证明来组装区块。

新增的 RPC 方法有 getminingcandidatesubmitminingsolution。它们是传统的 getblocktemplatesubmitblock 的平替接口。这些 RPC 调用不会将整个区块传递给矿池(在通过 RPC 接口传输时,整个区块的大小是实际区块大小的两倍多,这是因为RPC接口使用HEX编码格式,相对于二进制区块要大)。相反,它们传递候选区块头、预装配的 coinbase 交易和 coinbase 默克尔证明。这基本上与通过 Stratum 协议传递给哈希硬件的数据相同。也就是说,由于Merkle树的性质,挖矿所需要的数据量是对数O(logN)级别的。而并非线性O(N) 级别的,也就显著降低了挖矿所需要的带宽和负载。

矿池使用 getminingcandidate 接收前述的区块信息和一个跟踪标识符 (ID)。在找到一个新块后 30 秒内,MVC节点会默认清除未完成的 ID。矿工可以创建(或修改)新的coinbase 交易和区块头字段,以创建不同的候选项供哈希硬件使用。然后,通过 Stratum 将这些候选项转发给哈希硬件。当找到一个区块解(挖出新区块)时,矿池可以通过 submitminingsolution 将解决方案提交回节点。

使用 RPC getminingcandidate 和 RPC submitminingsolution 的一些好处包括:

  • 大大减少带宽和延迟,特别是对于大区块。这种 RPC 需要 log2(区块大小) 的数据,这是由于默克尔分支的大小决定的。
  • 更快的 JSON 解析和创建。
  • 简洁的 JSON。


详细的rpc接口以及参数说明可以参考mining command

RPC getminingcandidate

Arguments: - [bool] provide_coinbase_tx (Optional - default is false)


[uuid] idThe assigned id from mvcd. This must be provided with submitting a potential solution
[hex string] prevHashBig Endian hash of the previous block
[hex string] Coinbase (optional)Suggested coinbase transaction is provided. Miner is free to supply their own or alter the supplied one. Altering will require parsing and splitting the coinbase in order to splice in/out data as required. Requires Wallet to be enabled. Only returned when provide_coinbase_tx argument is set to true. Returns error if Wallet is not enabled
[int32_t] versionThe block version
[int64_t] coinbaseValueTotal funds available for the coinbase tx (in Satoshis)
[uint32_t] nBitsCompressed hexadecimal difficulty
[uint32_t] timeCurrent block time
[int] heightThe candidate block height
[array] merkleProofMerkle branch/path for the block, used to calculate the Merkle Root of the block candidate. This is a list of Little-Endian hex strings ordered from top to bottom


"id": "a5f1f38b-2a00-4913-833a-bbcbb39d5d2c",
"prevhash": "0000000020493e205694c9fcb42f7d4ce5d85e230d52fccc90a6354e13940396",
"coinbase": "02000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff0503878b1300ffffffff01c5a4a80400000000232103b8310da7c413106c6ce63814dbcd366c55e8ae39c8c43c1fdaeb76df56e4ff7dac00000000",
"version": 536870912,
"nBits": "1c4877e8",
"time": 1548132190,
"height": 1280903,
"merkleProof": [

RPC submitminingsolution

Arguments: A JSON String containing the below fields.

[uuid] idThe id supplied by getminingcandidate
[uint32_t] nonceMiner generated nonce
[hex string] coinbaseThe crafted or modified coinbase transaction (Optional)
[uint32_t] timeBlock time (Optional - must fall within the mintime/maxtime consensus rules )
[uint32_t] versionBlock version (Optional)


"id": a5f1f38b-2a00-4913-833a-bbcbb39d5d2c,
"nonce": 1804358173,
"coinbase": "...00ffffffff10028122000b2fc7237b322f414431322ffff...",
"time": 1528925410,
"version": 536870912


Success: returns true
Failure: JSONRPCException or error reason comprising of but not limited to the following.

Block candidate ID not foundRequired ID was not found, ID is supplied by the corresponding getminingcandidate call
nonce not foundThe nonce was not supplied or not recognized
coinbase decode failedThe supplied coinbase was unable to be parsed

Other possible errors can result from the SubmitBlock (BIP22) method in which submitminingsolution ultimately calls upon.