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Start Up Command

Introducing Node Startup Commands and Configuration File Usage

When starting a node, you can configure the node's startup parameters through command line arguments or a configuration file. These parameters control node behavior, such as which network to connect to, whether to enable mining, whether to enable RPC services, etc.

Using command line arguments and configuration files is equivalent, and the names are the same; however, command line arguments have a higher priority. If you use both command line arguments and a configuration file, the command line arguments will override the parameters in the configuration file.

Viewing Startup Help

mvcd --help

You can see all the startup help information, including the name of the startup item, default values, descriptions, etc. This article formats the help information to make it easier to find and understand.

Detailed Explanation of Parameters

The parameters are explained in detail according to different usage scenarios to facilitate easy searching and understanding.


-?Print this help message and exit
-versionPrint version and exit
-alertnotify=<cmd>Execute command when a relevant alert is received or we see a really long fork (%s in cmd is replaced by message)
-blocknotify=<cmd>Execute command when the best block changes (%s in cmd is replaced by block hash)
-assumevalid=<hex>If this block is in the chain assume that it and its ancestors are valid and potentially skip their script verification (0 to verify all, default: 000000000000000000e45ad2fbcc5ff3e85f0868dd8f00ad4e92dffabe28f8d2, testnet: 0000000000327972b8470c11755adf8f4319796bafae01f5a6650490b98a17db)
-conf=<file>Specify configuration file (default: bitcoin.conf)
-daemonRun in the background as a daemon and accept commands
-datadir=<dir>Specify data directory
-dbcache=<n>Set database cache size in megabytes (4 to 16384, default: 450). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, KiB, MiB, GiB).
-frozentxodbcache=<n>Set cache size for database holding a list of frozen transaction outputs in bytes (default: 128000)
-genesisactivationheightSet block height at which genesis should be activated. (default: 620538).
-loadblock=<file>Imports blocks from external blk000??.dat file on startup
-maxmempool=<n>Keep the resident size of the transaction memory pool below <n> megabytes (default: 1000, must be at least 300). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-mempoolmaxpercentcpfp=<n>Percentage of total mempool size (ram+disk) to allow for low paying transactions (0..100) (default: 10)
-mempoolexpiry=<n>Do not keep transactions in the mempool longer than <n> hours (default: 336)
-maxmempoolnonfinal=<n>Keep the non-final transaction memory pool below <n> megabytes (default: 50). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, KiB, MiB, GiB).
-mempoolexpirynonfinal=<n>Do not keep transactions in the non-final mempool longer than <n> hours (default: 672)
-persistmempoolWhether to save the mempool on shutdown and load on restart (default: 1)
-threadsperblock=<n>Set the number of script verification threads used when validating single block (0 to 64, 0 = auto, default: 0)
-scriptvalidatormaxbatchsize=<n>Set size of script verification batch per thread (1 to 255, default: 128)
-maxparallelblocks=<n>Set the number of block that can be validated in parallel across all nodes. If additional block arrive, validation of an old block is terminated. (1 to 100, default: 4)
-maxparallelblocksperpeer=<n>Set the number of blocks that can be validated in parallel from a single peer. If peers sends another block, the validation of it is delayed. (1 to maxparallelblocks, default: 3)
-pid=<file>Specify pid file (default:
-preload=<n>If n is set to 1, blockchain state will be preloaded into memory. If n is 0, no preload will happen. Other values for n are not allowed. The default value is 0. This option is not supported on Windows operating systems.
-prune=<n>Reduce storage requirements by enabling pruning (deleting) of old blocks. This allows the pruneblockchain RPC to be called to delete specific blocks, and enables automatic pruning of old blocks if a target size in MiB is provided. This mode is incompatible with -txindex and -rescan. Warning: Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain. (default: 0 = disable pruning blocks, 1 = allow manual pruning via RPC, >550 = automatically prune block files to stay under the specified target size in MiB, but still keep the last 288 blocks to speed up a potential reorg even if this results in the pruning target being exceeded)Note: Currently achievable prune target is ~100GB (mainnet). Setting the target size too low will not affect pruning function, but will not guarantee block files size staying under the threshold at all times.
-reindex-chainstateRebuild chain state from the currently indexed blocks
-reindexRebuild chain state and block index from the blk*.dat files on disk
-rejectmempoolrequestReject every mempool request from non-whitelisted peers (default: 1).
-syspermsCreate new files with system default permissions, instead of umask 077 (only effective with disabled wallet functionality)
-txindexMaintain a full transaction index, used by the getrawtransaction rpc call (default: 0)
-maxmerkletreediskspaceMaximum disk size in bytes that can be taken by stored merkle trees. This size should not be less than default size (default: 184549376 bytes). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kiB, MiB, GiB).
-preferredmerkletreefilesizePreferred size of a single datafile containing merkle trees. When size is reached, new datafile is created. If preferred size is less than size of a single merkle tree, it will still be stored, meaning datafile size can be larger than preferred size. (default: 33554432 bytes). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kiB, MiB, GiB).
-maxmerkletreememcachesizeMaximum merkle trees memory cache size in bytes. For faster responses, requested merkle trees are stored into a memory cache. (default: 33554432 bytes). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kiB, MiB, GiB).


-addnode=<ip>Add a node to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open
-banscore=<n>Threshold for disconnecting misbehaving peers (default: 100)
-bantime=<n>Number of seconds to keep misbehaving peers from reconnecting (default: 86400)
-bind=<addr>Bind to given address and always listen on it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6
-blockstallingmindownloadspeed=<n>Minimum average download speed (Kbytes/s) we will allow a stalling peer to fall to during IBD. A value of 0 means stall detection is disabled (default: 100Kb/s)
-broadcastdelay=<n>Set inventory broadcast delay duration in millisecond(min: 0, max: 50000)
-connect=<ip>Connect only to the specified node(s); -noconnect or -connect=0 alone to disable automatic connections
-discoverDiscover own IP addresses (default: 1 when listening and no -externalip or -proxy)
-dnsAllow DNS lookups for -addnode, -seednode and -connect (default: 1)
-dnsseedQuery for peer addresses via DNS lookup, if low on addresses (default: 1 unless -connect/-noconnect)
-externalip=<ip>Specify your own public address
-forcednsseedAlways query for peer addresses via DNS lookup (default: 1)
-listenAccept connections from outside (default: 1 if no -proxy or -connect/-noconnect )
-maxconnections=<n>Maintain at most <n> connections to peers (default: 125)
-maxreceivebuffer=<n>Maximum per-connection receive buffer in kilobytes (default: 500000). The value may be given in kilobytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxsendbuffer=<n>Maximum per-connection send buffer in kilobytes (default: 500000). The value may be given in kilobytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxsendbuffermult=<n>Temporary multiplier applied to the -maxsendbuffer size to allow connections to unblock themselves in the unlikely situation where they have become paused for both sending and receiving (default: 10)
-factormaxsendqueuesbytes=<n>Factor that will be multiplied with excessiveBlockSize to limit the maximum bytes in all sending queues. If this size is exceeded, no response to block related P2P messages is sent. (default factor: 4)
-maxtimeadjustmentMaximum allowed median peer time offset adjustment. Local perspective of time may be influenced by peers forward or backward by this amount. (default: 4200 seconds)
-multistreamsEnable the use of multiple streams to our peers (default: 1)
-multistreampoliciesList of stream policies to use with our peers in order of preference (available policies: BlockPriority,Default, default: BlockPriority,Default)
-onlynet=<net>Only connect to nodes in network <net> (ipv4 or ipv6)
-permitbaremultisigRelay non-P2SH multisig (default: 1)
-peerbloomfiltersSupport filtering of blocks and transaction with bloom filters (default: 0)
-port=<port>Listen for connections on <port> (default: 8333 or testnet: 18333)
-proxy=<ip:port>Connect through SOCKS5 proxy
-proxyrandomizeRandomize credentials for every proxy connection. (default: 1)
-seednode=<ip>Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect
-timeout=<n>Specify connection timeout in milliseconds (minimum: 1, default: 5000)
-upnpUse UPnP to map the listening port (default: 0)
-whitebind=<addr>Bind to given address and whitelist peers connecting to it. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6
-whitelist=<IP address or network>Whitelist peers connecting from the given IP address (e.g. or CIDR notated network (e.g. Can be specified multiple times. Whitelisted peers cannot be DoS banned and their transactions are always relayed, even if they are already in the mempool, useful e.g. for a gateway
-whitelistrelayAccept relayed transactions received from whitelisted peers even when not relaying transactions (default: 1)
-whitelistforcerelayForce relay of transactions from whitelisted peers even if they violate local relay policy (default: 1)
-maxuploadtarget=<n>Tries to keep outbound traffic under the given target (in MiB per 24h), 0 = no limit (default: 0). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (KiB, MiB, GiB).


-disablewalletDo not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls
-keypool=<n>Set key pool size to <n> (default: 1000)
-fallbackfee=<amt>A fee rate (in SPACE/kB) that will be used when fee estimation has insufficient data (default: 0.0002)
-mintxfee=<amt>Fees (in SPACE/kB) smaller than this are considered zero fee for transaction creation (default: 0.00001)
-paytxfee=<amt>Fee (in SPACE/kB) to add to transactions you send (default: 0.00)
-rescanRescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions on startup
-salvagewalletAttempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet on startup
-spendzeroconfchangeSpend unconfirmed change when sending transactions (default: 1)
-usehdUse hierarchical deterministic key generation (HD) after BIP32. Only has effect during wallet creation/first start (default: 1)
-upgradewalletUpgrade wallet to latest format on startup
-wallet=<file>Specify wallet file (within data directory) (default: wallet.dat)
-walletbroadcastMake the wallet broadcast transactions (default: 1)
-walletnotify=<cmd>Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in cmd is replaced by TxID)
-zapwallettxes=<mode>Delete all wallet transactions and only recover those parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup (1 = keep tx meta data e.g. account owner and payment request information, 2 = drop tx meta data)


For more information on ZMQ, please refer to ZMQ Documentation

-zmqpubhashblock=<address>Enable publish hash block in <address>.
-zmqpubhashtx=<address>Enable publish hash transaction in <address>.
-zmqpubrawblock=<address>Enable publish raw block in <address>.
-zmqpubrawtx=<address>Enable publish raw transaction in <address>.
-zmqpubinvalidtx=<address>Enable publish invalid transaction in <address>. -invalidtxsink=ZMQ should be specified.
-zmqpubremovedfrommempool=<address>Enable publish removal of transaction (txid and the reason in json format) in <address>.
-zmqpubremovedfrommempoolblock=<address>Enable publish removal of transaction (txid and the reason in json format) in <address>.
-zmqpubhashtx2=<address>Enable publish hash transaction in <address>.
-zmqpubrawtx2=<address>Enable publish raw transaction in <address>.
-zmqpubhashblock2=<address>Enable publish hash block in <address>.
-zmqpubrawblock2=<address>Enable publish raw block in <address>.


-uacomment=<cmt>Append comment to the user agent string
-debug=<category>Output debugging information (default: 0, supplying <category> is optional). If <category> is not supplied or if <category> = 1, output all debugging information.<category> can be: mempool, http, bench, zmq, db, rpc, addrman, selectcoins, reindex, cmpctblock, rand, prune, proxy, mempoolrej, libevent, coindb, leveldb, txnprop, txnsrc, journal, txnval, netconn, netmsg, netmsgverb, netmsgall, net, doublespend.
-debugexclude=<category>Exclude debugging information for a category. Can be used in conjunction with -debug=1 to output debug logs for all categories except one or more specified categories.
-help-debugShow all debugging options (usage: --help -help-debug)
-debugp2pthreadstallsLog P2P requests that stall request processing loop for longer than specified milliseconds (default: disabled)
-logipsInclude IP addresses in debug output (default: 0)
-logtimestampsPrepend debug output with timestamp (default: 1)
-maxtxfee=<amt>Maximum total fees (in SPACE) to use in a single wallet transaction or raw transaction; setting this too low may abort large transactions (default: 0.10)
-printtoconsoleSend trace/debug info to console instead of bitcoind.log file
-shrinkdebugfileShrink bitcoind.log file on client startup (default: 1 when no -debug)


-testnetUse the test chain
-regtestEnter regression test mode, which uses a special chain in which blocks can be solved instantly. This is intended for regression testing tools and app development.


-excessiveblocksize=<n>Set the maximum block size in bytes we will accept from any source. This is the effective block size hard limit and it is a required parameter (0 = unlimited). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-datacarrierRelay and mine data carrier transactions (default: 1)
-datacarriersizeMaximum size of data in data carrier transactions we relay and mine (default: 4294967295). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxstackmemoryusageconsensusSet maximum stack memory usage in bytes used for script verification we're willing to accept from any source (0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated (consensus level). This is a required parameter. The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxstackmemoryusagepolicySet maximum stack memory usage used for script verification we're willing to relay/mine in a single transaction (default: 100 MB, 0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated (policy level). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB). Must be less or equal to -maxstackmemoryusageconsensus.
-maxopsperscriptpolicy=<n>Set maximum number of non-push operations we're willing to relay/mine per script (default: unlimited, 0 = unlimited), after Genesis is activated
-maxtxsigopscountspolicy=<n>Set maximum allowed number of signature operations we're willing to relay/mine in a single transaction (default: unlimited, 0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated.
-maxstdtxvalidationduration=<n>Set the single standard transaction validation duration threshold in milliseconds after which the standard transaction validation will terminate with error and the transaction is not accepted to mempool (min 1ms, default: 3ms)
-maxnonstdtxvalidationduration=<n>Set the single non-standard transaction validation duration threshold in milliseconds after which the non-standard transaction validation will terminate with error and the transaction is not accepted to mempool (min 10ms, default: 1000ms)
-maxtxchainvalidationbudget=<n>Set the upper limit of unused validation time to add to the next transaction validated in the chain (min 0ms, default: 50ms)
-validationclockcpuUse CPU time instead of wall clock time for validation duration measurement (default: 1)
-maxtxsizepolicy=<n>Set maximum transaction size in bytes we relay and mine (default: 10 MB, min: 99999 B, 0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated. The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-minconsolidationfactor=<n>Set minimum ratio between sum of utxo scriptPubKey sizes spent in a consolidation transaction, to the corresponding sum of output scriptPubKey sizes. The ratio between number of consolidation transaction inputs to the number of outputs also needs to be greater or equal to the minimum consolidation factor (default: 20). A value of 0 disables free consolidation transactions
-maxconsolidationinputscriptsize=<n>This number is the maximum length for a scriptSig input in a consolidation txn (default: 150). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-minconfconsolidationinput=<n>Minimum number of confirmations of inputs spent by consolidation transactions (default: 6).
-minconsolidationinputmaturity=<n>(DEPRECATED: This option will be removed, use -minconfconsolidationinput instead) Minimum number of confirmations of inputs spent by consolidation transactions (default: 6).
-acceptnonstdconsolidationinput=<n>Accept consolidation transactions spending non standard inputs (default: 0).
-maxscriptsizepolicySet maximum script size in bytes we're willing to relay/mine per script after Genesis is activated. (default: 500000, 0 = unlimited). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxscriptnumlengthpolicy=<n>Set maximum allowed number length we're willing to relay/mine in scripts (default: 10000, 0 = unlimited) after Genesis is activated. The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-minrelaytxfee=<amt>Fees (in SPACE/kB) smaller than this are considered zero fee for relaying, mining and transaction creation.


-blockmaxsize=<n>Set maximum block size in bytes we will mine. Size of the mined block will never exceed the maximum block size we will accept (-excessiveblocksize). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB). If not specified, the following defaults are used: Mainnet: 32 MB before 2019-07-24 14:00:00 and 128 MB after, Testnet: 32 MB before 2019-07-24 14:00:00 and 128 MB after.
-blockmintxfee=<amt>Set lowest fee rate (in SPACE/kB) for transactions to be included in block creation. This is a mandatory setting
-invalidateblock=<hash>Permanently marks an existing block as invalid as if it violated a consensus rule (same as InvalidateBlock RPC function). If specified block header was not received yet, the header will be ignored when it is received from a peer. This option can be specified multiple times.
-banclientua=<ua>Ban clients whose User Agent contains specified string (case insensitive). This option can be specified multiple times.
-allowclientua=<ua>Allow clients whose User Agent equals specified string (case insensitive). This option can be specified multiple times and has precedence over '-banclientua'.
-blockassembler=<type>Set the type of block assembler to use for mining. Supported options are JOURNALING. (default: JOURNALING)
-jbamaxtxnbatch=<maxbatch size> Set the maximum number of transactions processed in a batch by the journaling block assembler (default: 20000)


-serverAccept command line and JSON-RPC commands
-restAccept public REST requests (default: 0)
-rpcbind=<addr>Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. This option can be specified multiple times (default: bind to all interfaces)
-rpccookiefile=<loc>Location of the auth cookie (default: data dir)
-rpcuser=<user>Username for JSON-RPC connections
-rpcpassword=<pw>Password for JSON-RPC connections
-rpcauth=<userpw>Username and hashed password for JSON-RPC connections. The field <userpw> comes in the format: <USERNAME>:<SALT>$<HASH>. A canonical python script is included in share/rpcuser. The client then connects normally using the rpcuser=<USERNAME>/rpcpassword=<PASSWORD> pair of arguments. This option can be specified multiple times
-rpcport=<port>Listen for JSON-RPC connections on <port> (default: 8332 or testnet: 18332)
-rpcallowip=<ip>Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified source. Valid for <ip> are a single IP (e.g., a network/netmask (e.g. or a network/CIDR (e.g. This option can be specified multiple times
-magicbytes=<hexcode>Allow users to split the test net by changing the magicbytes. This option only work on a network different than mainnet. default : 0f0f0f0f
-rpcthreads=<n>Set the number of threads to service RPC calls (default: 4)
-rpccorsdomain=valueDomain from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
-rpcwebhookclientnumthreads=<n>Number of threads available for submitting HTTP requests to webhook endpoints. (default: 2, maximum: 16)
-invalidcsinterval=<n>Set the time limit on the reception of invalid message checksums from a single node in milliseconds (default: 500ms)
-invalidcsfreq=<n>Set the limit on the number of invalid checksums received over a given time period from a single node (default: 100)

Orphan Handling

-blockreconstructionextratxn=<n>Extra transactions to keep in memory for compact block reconstructions (default: 100)
-maxorphantxsize=<n>Keep at most <n> MB of unconnectable transactions in memory (default: 1000 MB). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxorphansinbatchpercent=<n>Maximal number of orphans scheduled for re-validation as percentage of max batch size. (1 to 100, default:60)
-maxinputspertransactionoutoffirstlayerorphan=<n>Maximal number of inputs of a non-first-layer transaction that can be scheduled for re-validation. (default:5)

Transaction Validation

-numstdtxvalidationthreads=<n>Set the number of 'High' priority threads used to validate standard txns (dynamically calculated default: 3)
-numnonstdtxvalidationthreads=<n>Set the number of 'Low' priority threads used to validate non-standard txns (dynamically calculated default: 1)
-maxstdtxnsperthreadratio=<n>Set the max ratio for a number of standard txns per 'High' priority thread (default: 1000)
-maxnonstdtxnsperthreadratio=<n>Set the max ratio for a number of non-standard txns per 'Low' priority thread (default: 1000)
-txnvalidationasynchrunfreq=<n>Set run frequency in asynchronous mode (default: 10ms)
-txnvalidationschedulestrategy=<strategy>Set task scheduling strategy to use in parallel transaction validation.Available strategies: CHAIN_DETECTOR (legacy), TOPO_SORT (default)
-maxtxnvalidatorasynctasksrunduration=<n>Set the maximum validation duration for async tasks in a single run (default: 10000ms)
-maxcoinsviewcachesize=<n>Set the maximum cumulative size of accepted transaction inputs inside coins cache (default: unlimited -> 0). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxcoinsprovidercachesize=<n>Set soft maximum limit of cached coin tip buffer size (default: 1 GB, minimum: 1 MB). The value may be given in bytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxcoinsdbfiles=<n>Set maximum number of files used by coins leveldb (default: 64).
-txnvalidationqueuesmaxmemory=<n>Set the maximum memory usage for the transaction queues in MB (default: 2048). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxpubkeyspermultisigpolicy=<n>Set maximum allowed number of public keys we're willing to relay/mine in a single CHECK_MULTISIG(VERIFY) operation (default: unlimited, 0 = unlimited), after Genesis is activated
-maxgenesisgracefulperiod=<n>Set maximum allowed number of blocks for Genesis graceful period (default: 72) where nodes will not be banned for violating Genesis rules in case the calling node is not yet on Genesis height and vice versa. Seting 0 will disable Genesis graceful period. Genesis graceful period range :(GENESIS_ACTIVATION_HEIGHT

Invalid Transactions

-invalidtxsink=<sink>Set destination for dumping invalid transactions. Specify separately for every sink you want to include. Available sinks:FILE, ZMQ, (no sink by default)
-invalidtxfilemaxdiskusage=<n>Set maximal disk usage for dumping invalid transactions when using FILE for the sink. In megabytes. (default: 3000MB) The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-invalidtxfileevictionpolicy=<policy>Set policy which is applied when disk usage limits are reached when using FILE for the sink. IGNORE_NEW or DELETE_OLD (default: IGNORE_NEW)
-invalidtxzmqmaxmessagesize=<n>Set maximal message size for publishing invalid transactions using ZMQ, in megabytes. (default: 500MB) The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength=<n>Set maximum protocol recv payload length you are willing to accept in bytes (default 2097152). Value should be bigger than legacy protocol payload length: 1048576 B and smaller than: 1000000000 B.
-recvinvqueuefactor=<n>Set maximum number of full size inventory messages that we can store for each peer (default 3). Inventory message size can be set with
-maxprotocolrecvpayloadlength.Value should be an integer between 1 and 10 )

Double Spend Notification

-dsnotifylevelSet how this node should handle double-spend notification sending. The options are: 0 Send no notifications, 1 Send notifications only for standard transactions, 2 Send notifications for all transactions. (default: 1)
-dsendpointfasttimeout=<n>Timeout in seconds for high priority communications with a double-spend reporting endpoint (default: 5)
-dsendpointslowtimeout=<n>Timeout in seconds for low priority communications with a double-spend reporting endpoint (default: 60)
-dsendpointslowrateperhour=<n>The allowable number of timeouts per hour on a rolling basis to a double-spend reporting endpoint before we temporarily assume that endpoint is consistently slow and direct all communications for it to the slow / low priority queue. Must be between 1 and 60 (default: 3)
-dsendpointskiplist=<listof ips> A comma separated list of IP addresses for double-spend endpoints we should skip sending notifications to. This can be useful if (for example) we are running a mAPI node locally which will already be receiving double-spend notification via ZMQ, then we don't need to also send such notifications via HTTP.
-dsendpointmaxcount=<n>Maximum number of endpoint IPs we will consider notifying per transaction (default: 3)
-dsattempttxnremember=<n>Limits the maximum number of previous double-spend transactions the node remembers. Setting this high uses more memory and is slower, setting it low increases the chances we may unnecessarily process and re-report duplicate double-spent transactions (default: 1000)
-dsattemptnumfastthreads=<n>Number of threads available for processing high priority double-spend notifications. Note that each additional thread also requires a small amount of disk space for serialising transactions to. (default: 2, maximum: 64)
-dsattemptnumslowthreads=<n>Number of threads available for processing low priority double-spend notifications. Note that each additional thread also requires a small amount of disk space for serialising transactions to. (default: 2, maximum: 64)
-dsattemptqueuemaxmemory=<n>Maximum memory usage for the queue of detected double-spend transactions (default: 4096MB). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-dsdetectedwebhookurl=<url>URL of a webhook to notify on receipt of a double-spend detected P2P message from another node. For example:
-dsdetectedwebhookmaxtxnsize=<n>Maximum size of transaction to forward to the double-spend detected webhook. For double-spent transactions above this size only the transaction ID will be reported to the webhook (default: 100MB). The value may be given in megabytes or with unit (B, kB, MB, GB).
-softconsensusfreezedurationSet for how many blocks a block that contains transaction spending consensus frozen TXO will remain frozen before it auto unfreezes due to the amount of child blocks that were mined after it (default: 3; note: 0 - soft consensus freeze duration is disabled and block is frozen indefinitely).

Safe Mode

-disablesafemodeDisable safemode, override a real safe mode event (default: 0)
-safemodewebhookurl=<url>URL of a webhook to notify if the node enters safe mode. For example:
-safemodeminblockdifference=<n>Minimum number of blocks that fork should be ahead (if positive) or behind (if negative) of active tip to enter safe mode (default:
-safemodemaxforkdistance=<n>Maximum distance of forks last common block from current active tip to enter safe mode (default: 1000)
-safemodeminforklength=<n>Minimum length of valid fork to enter safe mode (default: 3)