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Supply Halving

This article introduces the mining halving rules of the MVC blockchain.

What is Halving?

Taking Bitcoin's halving as an example:

Bitcoin mining rewards refer to the number of Bitcoins a miner receives when a block is mined (newly created Bitcoins, not including transaction fees). Bitcoin's mining reward halving is designed to control the issuance rate of Bitcoin to maintain its scarcity. As the issuance rate of Bitcoin halves exponentially, the total number of Bitcoins will gradually approach 21 million.

On the Bitcoin blockchain, every 210,000 blocks generated triggers a halving event in which the network's block reward to miners is halved. This occurs approximately every four years. The halving event is intended to control the supply of Bitcoin, making it gradually decrease to prevent inflation and increase scarcity.

  1. Miner Rewards: In the early days of the Bitcoin network, miners received 50 Bitcoins as a reward for each block. After the first halving in 2012, the reward was reduced to 25 Bitcoins. The second halving in 2016 further reduced it to 12.5 Bitcoins, and the third halving in 2020 brought it down to 6.25 Bitcoins.
  2. Time Interval: A Bitcoin block is generated approximately every 10 minutes, so 210,000 blocks take about 4 years to complete.
  3. Future Halving: The halving event will continue until the block reward approaches zero.

Calculation of the 21 Million Limit

Below is a detailed table of each halving stage for Bitcoin:

StageBlock Reward (BTC)Number of BlocksBitcoins Generated During Stage
Stage 150210,00010,500,000
Stage 225210,0005,250,000
Stage 312.5210,0002,625,000
Stage 46.25210,0001,312,500
Stage 53.125210,000656,250
Stage 61.5625210,000328,125
Stage 70.78125210,000164,062.5
Stage 80.390625210,00082,031.25
Stage 90.1953125210,00041,015.625
Stage 100.09765625210,00020,507.8125
Stage 110.048828125210,00010,253.90625
Stage 120.0244140625210,0005,126.953125
Stage 130.01220703125210,0002,563.4765625
Stage 140.006103515625210,0001,281.73828125
Stage 150.0030517578125210,000640.869140625
Stage 160.00152587890625210,000320.4345703125
Stage 170.000762939453125210,000160.21728515625
Stage 180.0003814697265625210,00080.108642578125
Stage 190.00019073486328125210,00040.0543212890625
Stage 290.000000186264514923095703125210,0000.03911554813385009765625
Stage 300.0000000931322574615478515625210,0000.019557774066925048828125
Stage 310.00000004656612873077392578125210,0000.0097788870334625244140625

The total supply is: 21,000,000 Bitcoins.

This demonstrates that the total supply of Bitcoin is indeed 21 million, achieved through the above halving mechanism.

MVC Blockchain Halving Rules

Due to MVC adopting a POW+POB hybrid consensus mechanism, halving only applies to POW mining rewards (35%), while POB rewards are not affected by halving. According to MVC's white-paper, the halving rules for MVC are as follows:

Total POW Issuance7,350,000
Halving Block Count147,000
Estimated Halving Interval1,000 days
Initial Issuance Amount25 space

MVC Halving Rule Calculation

We can calculate the total production of Space using a method similar to Bitcoin. The initial reward for Space is 25, halving every 147,000 blocks.

Calculation of Space Amount for Each Stage:

Below is a detailed table of each halving stage for Space:

StageBlock Reward (Space)Number of BlocksSpace Generated During Stage
Stage 125147,0003,675,000
Stage 212.5147,0001,837,500
Stage 36.25147,000918,750
Stage 43.125147,000459,375
Stage 51.5625147,000229,687.5
Stage 60.78125147,000114,843.75
Stage 70.390625147,00057,421.875
Stage 80.1953125147,00028,710.9375
Stage 90.09765625147,00014,355.46875
Stage 100.048828125147,0007,177.734375
Stage 110.0244140625147,0003,588.8671875
Stage 120.01220703125147,0001,794.43359375
Stage 130.006103515625147,000897.216796875
Stage 140.0030517578125147,000448.6083984375
Stage 150.00152587890625147,000224.30419921875
Stage 160.000762939453125147,000112.152099609375
Stage 170.0003814697265625147,00056.0760498046875
Stage 180.00019073486328125147,00028.03802490234375
Stage 280.000000186264514923095703125147,0000.027380883693695068359375
Stage 290.0000000931322574615478515625147,0000.0136904418468475341796875
Stage 300.00000004656612873077392578125147,0000.00684522092342376708984375
Stage 310.000000023283064365386962890625147,0000.003422610461711883544921875

The total supply is approximately: 7,350,000 Space.