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Introducing the difficulty bits representing the difficulty target of a block.

What are Difficulty Bits (Bits)?

Difficulty bits (Bits) are a field in the Bitcoin block header that represent the current mining difficulty. It is a compact form of the target threshold, and miners must generate a block hash that is less than this target value for it to be accepted by the network. The difficulty bits are encoded in a compact way to reduce data storage and transmission overhead.

The Role of Difficulty Bits

1. Controlling Block Generation Time

Difficulty bits directly affect the mining difficulty, thereby controlling the block generation time. The goal of the Bitcoin network is to generate a new block every 10 minutes. By adjusting the difficulty bits, the network ensures that block generation time stays within the target range despite changes in miner hash power.

2. Ensuring Network Security

By adjusting mining difficulty, the Bitcoin network can prevent malicious actors from easily generating new blocks. As miner hash power increases, the network automatically raises the mining difficulty, increasing the cost and difficulty of attacks, thereby ensuring the security and stability of the network.

Calculating Difficulty Bits

The calculation process of difficulty bits is as follows:

  1. Target Threshold: Represent the target threshold as a 256-bit large integer.
  2. Compact Representation: Convert the target threshold into a compact form, represented as the difficulty bits field.


Assuming the target threshold is 0x1d00ffff, the corresponding difficulty bits representation is:

0x1d00ffff = 0x00ffff * 2^(8*(0x1d - 3))

Difficulty Adjustment Mechanism

The Bitcoin network adjusts the difficulty every 2016 blocks (approximately every two weeks). Based on the actual generation time of the past 2016 blocks, the network adjusts the difficulty bits so that the next 2016 blocks' generation time approaches the target time (two weeks).

Adjustment Formula

New Difficulty = Old Difficulty * (Actual Generation Time / Target Generation Time)

Obtaining Difficulty Bits Information

Using the Bitcoin Core client, you can obtain the difficulty bits information of the current block through the command line interface (CLI):

Obtaining Latest Block Information

mvc-cli getblockchaininfo

Obtaining Specific Block Information

First, get the block hash:

mvc-cli getblockhash <height>

Then, use the block hash to get detailed block information, including the difficulty bits field:

mvc-cli getblock <blockhash>


Difficulty bits (Bits) are an important field in the Bitcoin blockchain, representing mining difficulty, controlling block generation time, and ensuring network security. Understanding the principles and calculation methods of difficulty bits helps to gain a deeper understanding of the Bitcoin network's operation mechanism and its application in decentralized systems.